This recipe was given to us by my partner's sister - a delicious layered chocolate dessert that is beyond decadent. No baking required - just follow the instructions to build layer upon layer of chocolatey sweetness.
Chocolate Lasagna
One (1) package regular Oreos (approx. 36 cookies), crushed
6 tbsp butter, melted
8 oz whipped cream cheese
1/4 cup granulated sugar
3 1/2 cups milk, divided
12 oz container Cool Whip
8 oz instant chocolate pudding mix
Chocolate chips
1) Pour crushed Oreos into a large bowl, mix in melted butter; transfer mixture to a 9x13" baking dish
and press down forming a crust.
2) Seperately, combine whipped cream cheese add 2 tbsp milk, sugar and mix well; fold in half of the
Cool Whip then spread mixture over crust.
3) Seperately, combine pudding mix and remaining milk until slightly thickened then pour over baking dish
4) Let rest 5 minutes; top with remaining Cool Whip and chocolate chips, then chill 4 hours in fridge